
Stock Watch

Citadel Holding Corp. Business: Banking

Symbol: CDL

Shares Outstanding: 3.3 million

Market: AMEX

Closing Price on 7/24/92: $25

Citadel Holding Corp. is the Glendale-based parent of Fidelity Federal Bank. Citadel has performed reasonably well given the troubles that have afflicted major savings-and loans in Southern California. One reason is that most of Fidelity Federal’s loan portfolio is in residential housing, which is less risky than commercial property and construction loans. Still, Citadel posted a $21 million loss in the third quarter of 1991 when it boosted its loan loss reserves as a provision against loan and real estate losses. And Citadel’s stock price, in a reflection of the savings and loan industry, has been unusally volatile.

Period ending June 1989 Sept.89 Qtrly Profit (loss): $3.8 million ($2.3 million) % Change: -51% N/A Qtrly Assets: $4.9 billion $4.9 billion % Change: +20% +14%

Period ending Dec.89 March 1990 Qtrly Profit (loss): $3.6 million $7.3 million % Change: -27% +143% Qtrly Assets: $5.0 billion $5.0 billion % Change: +9% N/C


Period ending June 89 Sept. 89 Qtrly Profit (loss): $6.8 million $4.9 million % Change: +79% N/A Qtrly Assets: $5.1 billion $5.6 billion % Change: +4% +14%

Period ending Dec. 89 March 1991 Qtrly Profit (loss): $4.4 million $4.4 million % Change: +22% -40% Qtrly Assets $5.7 billion $5.1 billion % Change: +14% +2%

Period ending June 89 Sept. 89 Qtrly Profit (loss): $7.1 million ($21.1 million) % Change: +4% NA Qtrly Assets: $5.6 billion $5.5 billion % Change: +10% -2%


Period ending Dec. 89 March 1992 Qtrly Profit (loss): $12.3 million $6.1 million % Change: +180% +39% Qtrly Assets: $5.1 billion $.0 billion % Change: -11% -2%

N/A: Not applicable because of current, or prior year’s, loss.

Stock Prices Period ending: June 1989

Quarterly High: $41.50

Quarterly Low: $36.50

Period ending: Sept. 89 Quarterly High: $52

Quarterly Low: $38.75

Period ending: Dec. 89

Quarterly Highs: $54.63

Quarterly Lows: $43

Period ending: March 1990

Quarterly Highs: $45.50

Quarterly Lows: $41.75

Period ending: June 89

Quarterly Highs: $48

Quarterly Lows: $42.13

Period ending: Sept. 89

Quarterly Highs: $46.75

Quarterly Lows: $34.50

Period ending: Dec. 89

Quarterly Highs: $34

Quarterly Lows: $20

Period ending: March 1991

Quarterly Highs: $34.25

Quarterly Lows: $17.25

Period ending: June 89

Quarterly Highs: $34.13

Quarterly Lows: $28.50

Period ending: Sept. 89

Quarterly Highs: $37.13

Quarterly Lows: $28.38

Period ending: Dec. 89

Quarterly Highs: $28

Quarterly Lows: $8.88

Period ending: March 1992

Quarterly Highs: $32.88

Quarterly Lows: $14.63

Source: Company Reports

N/A: Not applicable because of current, or prior year’s loss. N/C: No change
