
Outraged by MWD

As a taxpayer, I was angry to read that the Metropolitan Water District board had approved a $5 per year parcel tax. But when I further read the MWD also approved a 3.5% wage increase for management personnel, my mild anger turned into rage. What audacity! Does this (51)-member board know what it is doing?

Doesn’t it know that schools, cities, counties and the state of California are on the verge of economic collapse and that even before this raise, MWD management personnel were among the highest paid government employees in the state?

Doesn’t it know that other government employees aren’t getting raises and some are being forced to take cuts?


Doesn’t it know that MWD has one of the most generous health insurance packages in the state, and one of the best pension plans in the United States.

Doesn’t it care?

In these tough times, it is ludicrous for the MWD board to do what it did. It’s time for a change in MWD leadership. Immediately!

