
Boris Yeltsin

Your commentary regarding the “White House Still Bemused by the Riddle of Yeltsin” (July 14) compels me to make the observation that President Yeltsin must be bemused by the riddle of the Bush White House. Only a month ago, our President warmly (albeit belatedly) welcomed President and Mrs. Yeltsin in what appeared to be a sincere and conclusive acceptance of the fact that it is President Yeltsin whom the Russian people elected to represent them in June, 1991, by 57%.

It is indicative of the weakness and vacillation of the Bush White House that “unnamed officials” see fit to persist in floating disparaging remarks, stories, rumors, etc. regarding Yeltsin.

At stake now before the House is the Freedom Support Act, recently passed overwhelmingly by the Senate before Congress recessed. It will take a major bipartisan effort to pass this legislation in these political times, and it would appear doubtful that Bush will expend any political chits to urge a foreign-aid package. Still, leadership might come from the House itself--one can always hope.



