
The Actor and His Raise

Having heard of, but until now not taken sides in, the dispute between actor Rob Morrow and Universal/CBS, I am prompted to comment on the gall displayed by this man (“Making Nicely in Cicely,” July 27).

How can any member of the working class take pity on his $20,000-per-episode fee? How dare he insinuate that he is due a salary to compensate for the 11 years that he struggled in his craft or that he deserves, for that matter, a salary on par with Ted Danson or John Forsythe. Who held a gun to this man’s head and told him he had to hire a publicist/lawyer/manager? And if he has all these people working for him, then why not put the responsibility for his career longevity in their hands?

He says he assumed a “risk” when he signed on to do a pilot. The risk scale tipped in his favor when “Northern Exposure” turned out to be a hit with the public, and one would think Morrow would celebrate the fact with the show’s producers rather than make them regret having offered him the part.



