
California Desert Bill

You say Seymour is doing strange things because of election year politics by putting a stop to S-21. What is strange about a lawmaker putting a stop to a bad bill, written by a special interest group, the Sierra Club, and introduced by Cranston?

This is a bad bill because it completely circumvents the California Desert Conservation Area Plan process, as set forth in the Federal Lands Policy Management Act (FLPMA) of 1976. This is a law that specifically spells out how California desert lands are to be planned and managed.

Seymour is doing the exact right thing in obeying FLPMA and trying to follow the desert plan process. This process is a culmination of effort by the government and the public that has come up with recommendations for creation of wilderness and national parks in the desert. KEN CARPENTER


Vice President

California Off Road Vehicle Assn.

Big Bear
