
President Bush’s Speech

Last Thursday night we listened to George Bush’s speech with hope that he would articulate substantive proposals to solve the nation’s serious economic problems and put Americans back to work. Instead, what we principally heard from our President was the shifting of blame to Congress for his failure to implement a coherent domestic program. According to Bush, if only those Democrats in Congress had not stood in his way, all would be well in America today.

In truth, following the Gulf War, Bush enjoyed unprecedented public support, and held the Democrats in Congress in the palm of his hand. Had he only presented Congress with an intelligible program to address the country’s problems, Congress would have handed it back to him for his signature on a silver platter. But Bush squandered the opportunity.

Now, while admitting that he breached his “read my lips” pledge of 1988, Bush asks us to “trust” him to guide the American economy for four more years. I’m sorry, but I find both the man and his ill-defined, irresponsible and politically motivated proposals (e.g., some form of a tax cut in the face of a massive federal deficit) unworthy of “trust.” The economy is adrift, and countless Americans are suffering for want of a decent job. What we need is a true leader to steer the course.


FRED T. ASHLEY, Laguna Niguel
