
The RAND Corp. got the job, no...

The RAND Corp. got the job, no doubt: Responding to a complaining patron’s request, the president of the downtown Kawada Hotel wrote: “Your comment encourages me to begin studying whether or not it is feasible . . . The study is not complete yet and so far, to tell you the truth, the indication is not very positive but I promise you that your concern is mine . . . “

The issue: Whether the bar in the hotel’s Epicentre Restaurant should resume offering mixed nuts.


Just right for Aaron Spelling’s swimming pool: At the Emmy show, comic Billy Crystal revealed that Long Beach has secretly begun to rid itself of a civic white elephant. Crystal said of actor Jack Palance, who is known for performing one-armed pushups on awards shows: “Jack isn’t here. He’s pulling the Queen Mary off that sandbar.”



Maybe He has stock in AT&T;: The New Republic noted that author Fran Leibowitz believes God created Los Angeles for a reason--”so insomniacs in New York would have a place to call in the middle of the night.”


Flushed with failure: Revelations that Los Angeles County Chief Administrative Officer Richard Dixon spent $6 million renovating his offices created so much controversy that the County Board of Supervisors pressured him into announcing his retirement. Ironically, Dixon recently discovered a leak in his personal bathroom in the Hall of Administration building. The source is believed to be a county supervisor’s toilet on the floor above.


Sign of the tunes: There’s a bar (Father’s Office, in Santa Monica) with no smoking hours. So perhaps it should come as no surprise that there’s a no smoking piano store in Larchmont Village (see photo).



Club Ted: Someone out there is trying to find out how weird Southern Californians are. The Times received a package from an outfit called Kathleen’s School Days in Ireland, which runs a two-week camp in County Cork for just $39.95. Of course, it’s not for humans. It’s for teddy bears. The outfit enclosed some “class photos” that it sends to families of attending teddies. Too late. We already sent ours to computer camp.


Unreal estate: A West L.A. couple was trying to sell their large home for $550,000. A professor who had recently moved to L.A. paid a visit. The wife showed him around while the husband remained in the garage, working on his classic MG.

A couple of days later, the couple received the professor’s counteroffer: $450,000.

And, he said, he wanted the MG.


Some entertainers who attended high schools in L.A. County include Frank Zappa (Antelope Valley), Little Willy G. and Thee Midniters (Garfield), Weird Al Yankovic (Lynwood), Sonny Bono (Inglewood) and Paula Abdul (Van Nuys).
