
Obituaries - Sept. 2, 1992

Aguirre, Anthony Z., 75, of Burbank, industrial engineer. Forest Lawn Mortuary, Hollywood Hills.

Brindlow, Lina H., 84, of Sylmar, retired chiropractor. Noble Chapel, San Fernando.

Campos, Baby Boy, infant, of Sun Valley. San Fernando Mortuary, San Fernando.

Diehl, Vernon R., 83, of Van Nuys, glassblower. Forest Lawn Mortuary, Hollywood Hills.

Fisher, Conrad Collins, 69, of Tujunga, real estate officer. Forest Lawn Mortuary, Glendale.

Franklin, Ferne, 77, of Burbank, office manager. Forest Lawn Mortuary, Hollywood Hills.

Lento, Eugene F., 71, of Burbank, retired engineer for Lockheed. Pierce Brothers Valhalla Mortuary, North Hollywood.


Muradyan, Alice, 59, of Encino, nurse. Forest Lawn Mortuary, Hollywood Hills.

Ponce, Andres, 27, of Arleta, carpenter. San Fernando Mortuary, San Fernando.

Raab, Marrion A., 79, of Van Nuys, homemaker. Pierce Brothers Meyer-Mitchell Mortuary, Van Nuys.

Rohaly, Michael Andrew, 44, of Panorama City, card dealer. Pierce Brothers Valhalla Mortuary, North Hollywood.

Spivey, Grace S., 80, of Van Nuys, accountant. Forest Lawn Mortuary, Hollywood Hills.

Stitt, Lorraine C., 72, of Granada Hills, homemaker. Utter-McKinley Mortuary, Mission Hills.


Toal, Mary Jane, 94, of Glendale, retired teacher. Woods Glendale Mortuary, Glendale.

Yeghikian, Nvart G., 84, of Glendale, homemaker. Forest Lawn Mortuary, Glendale.
