
Edelman Aide Not Interested

I am outraged at the abusive verbal assault launched by Supervisor Edelman’s field deputy, Don Wallace, on property owners who attended the Malibu Lakeside community planning meeting recently.

Obviously, Wallace was not interested or incapable of recognizing “reasonable” solutions. Otherwise, he would have graciously thanked the attendees for their pertinent comments on the Planning Department’s proposed Community Standards District. Instead, Mr. Wallace’s autocratic response to very valid concerns was: “Don’t tell us we need to be reasonable. Don’t give us platitudes. And don’t give us bull.”

The ludicrousness of the county’s plan seemed to completely escape Mr. Wallace.

Perhaps Supervisor Edelman should come down from his ivory tower and listen carefully to those who pay his salary. He would have heard one homeowner state: “At the Board of Supervisors meeting a year ago, Ed Edelman said, ‘I’m going to roll up my sleeves and get in here and personally solve this problem.’ I pray that Ed didn’t have anything to do with this. Because if he did, and this is his idea of solving the problem, we are in bigger trouble than we have ever been.”



Westlake Village
