
Decision ’92 : SPECIAL VOTERS’ GUIDE TO STATE AND LOCAL ELECTIONS : Preparing Yourself to Vote

Here are some numbers for voter information. One caution: Numbers frequently are busy, so be patient and leave yourself plenty of time: ABSENTEE BALLOTING: Applications for an absentee ballot are on the back of sample ballots. The deadline to request an absentee ballot from the county registrar’s office is Oct 27. Here are the numbers to call for applications. Hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Los Angeles (213) 725-5752

Orange County (714) 567-7600

San Diego (619) 694-3414

Ventura (805) 654-2781

Riverside (714) 275-8700

San Bernardino (714)-387-8300

WHERE TO VOTE: Your sample ballot should tell you whereto vote. Otherwise, call your county registrar Monday through Friday (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) to find where your polling place is and for general information. A tip: The easiest way to learn about your polling place often is to ask a neighbor. Polling places are marked with flags.

Los Angeles (213) 721-1100

Orange County (714) 567-7600

San Diego (619) 694-3400

Ventura (805) 654-2781

Riverside (714) 275-8700

San Bernardino (714) 387-8300

HOURS OF VOTING: Statewide voting hours are 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 3

SAMPLE BALLOTS: Call your county registrar’s office by Oct. 27. (numbers listed under “Where to vote.”) Contact your city hall for information on local issues.


COPIES OF MEASURES: Call county registrar’s office by Oct. 27. Ask for ballot pamphlet if you want the entire text. Otherwise a summary is included in your sample ballot.

VIOLATIONS: Call your county registrar’s office; violations include seeing someone voting twice, someone voting in place of someone else or persons soliciting or attempting to purchase votes near polling area.

“TRUTH LINES”: Project Vote Smart, an independent non-affiliated organization, offers a toll-free number that will give you information on candidates’ backgrounds, campaign finances, voting records, issue positions and performance evaluations. The number is (800) 786-6885.


HOW TO REGISTER FOR NEXT TIME IF YOU MISSED IT THIS TIME: The deadline to register for this election has passed. But for future elections, you can register at any post office, library, fire department or motor vehicle department office. You should also re-register if you want to change your party affiliation, are moving or changing your name.
