
Selling F-15s to Saudi Arabia

In response to “Selling F-15s to Saudis Is Political Fix,” by Howard Berman, Column Left, Oct. 21:

Once again Howard Berman has shown his partisanship and Israeli lobby colors in blasting President Bush’s decision to sell F-15s to Saudi Arabia. Has he already forgotten Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait? Iraqis could have advanced into Saudi Arabia, and thereby menaced the United States and free world’s oil supplies. Does he not know, or conveniently ignores, that Iran could be an even bigger threat in the future? Finally, is he not aware that Britain and other countries have and will sell planes to the Saudis if we do not?

Our selling planes to the Saudis is prudent, creates jobs in the United States, helps our balance of payments and props up a strong ally. Furthermore, selling our planes makes the buyer dependent on us for spare parts, which gives us additional leverage. We give more than enough military and economic aid to Israel and we need a balanced force to counter threats from Iraq and Iran. But all Berman and the Israeli lobby want is to put all our eggs into one basket, putting Israel’s position and interests over that of the United States.


One thing I will agree with Berman is that our defense industries have done a lousy job of adapting to changing circumstances by not diversifying and investing into production of peacetime industry such as rail cars, and other technological products so we can compete better on the international scene and help employment in the United States.


Marina del Rey
