
More Talk, Less Cop

Regarding “From Top Cop to Talk Jock,” Claudia Puig’s story on Daryl F. Gates as radio talk-show host (Nov. 1):

Are you kidding? All I know is that in the afternoon I am now free of anything interesting to listen to on the radio. How many days in a row is this guy going to talk about the mayor, City Hall, the Los Angeles Police Department, etc.? I hope that KFI is ready for the lawsuits due to the accidents caused by “the chief” putting people to sleep behind the wheel.

Speaking of KFI, what a completely pathetic state of affairs. The station has regressed from having the most interesting show in the afternoon, with Tom Leykis, to definitely the worst thing ever to hit the airwaves. As a loyal Leykis listener I felt betrayed by the way he was snatched off the radio without warning. What a shock to turn the ignition key and instead find this joker propagating his views slightly to the right of Attila the Hun.


Incidentally, is the right wing paying off KFI or what? Between Rush Limbaugh, Gates and Hugh Hewitt, the station now has about 35 hours a week to spout garbage and the rest of us have nobody to listen to except a few hours of Bill Press on Saturday. I hope advertisers are aware that KFI has succeeded in permanently turning off a lot of people (especially women).

Farewell, KFI. More stimulating? Not!


Huntington Beach
