
Still Fond of Big Boy

I think the declaration of Bob’s Big Boy as a local historic landmark is great (“Historians Give Bob’s a Seal of Approval,” Times Valley Edition, Nov. 7).

At a time when our city is changing all around us, we need to preserve buildings that give us a sense of what was.

Not that change is bad, but how wonderful it is to see something that represented a more pleasant lifestyle, standing strong amid strip malls that may or may not lend economic and visual benefits.


At a time when a large number of the population is looking to relocate their families to a more stable environment outside the city, or even the state, landmarks such as Bob’s recall a time when the city was a much less threatening place.

We all need stability, and an understanding of our city and its architecture, but the just plain good feelings triggered by memories of our experiences are not to be dismissed.

Congratulations to the California Office of Historic Preservation.


