
Licensing Cats No Solution

I am writing in regard to the Nov. 3 article on cat licensing. I believe very strongly that licensing cats is not the answer to the problems of shelters like the one in Camarillo that are forced to euthanize so many cats.

One has to ask why so many cats are brought into shelters and not claimed by their owners. The answer is not that the owners can’t be located; it is, sadly, that most of those cats either don’t have owners or have irresponsible owners.

The idea of mandatory rabies vaccination is another misguided solution. There has never been a documented case of a cat transmitting rabies to a human in the history of the state of California.


A solution should be found to the overpopulation problem that doesn’t penalize cat owners who already do the right thing. This includes keeping their cats indoors, having them spayed or neutered, keeping their inoculations up to date, and making sure they wear identifying tags.


Newbury Park
