
Scouting Defenders Spark Lively Volley on Standards

I would like to pledge my full support and approval to Levi Strauss and Wells Fargo, who have decided against making a $112,000 contribution to the Boy Scouts of America.

And as for Dana Rohrabacher, Christopher Cox, Robert K. Dornan, Ron Packard and William E. Dannemeyer, who I understand are conniving to launch a statewide boycott against these companies, I can only say that I do not know these men and I am sure that they are kind to their wives and good to their dogs and all of that, but the narrow focus of their thinking and the willingness to jump on any issue that will appeal to the most limited ultra conservatives, of whom there are many, is a desperate attempt to keep themselves visible.

I believe that these fellows’ days are numbered; their political posturing is archaic, and in the not-too-distant future, clear thinking will become the norm rather than the exception in Orange County and they will be gone.



Huntington Beach
