
California Corner

Festivals, Feasts & Fairs

SAN FRANCISCO--A dozen of this city’s famous symbols hit the tracks Saturday for the Cable Car Holiday Parade. The procession starts at 11:30 a.m. at the Cable Car Barn at Washington and Mason streets, and travels south on Powell Street to Market Street. Following the parade, three new cable cars are dedicated at 1 p.m. in Union Square, and free entertainment and festivities are featured 1:30-3:30 p.m. in Hallidie Plaza (Market and Powell) and in the nearby San Francisco Shopping Center on Market. (415) 923-6317.

SACRAMENTO--”Christmas Memories” is the theme of this year’s Old Fashioned Christmas at the old Governor’s Mansion, an annual celebration scheduled 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday and next Sunday. The mansion, where California’s chief executives lived from 1877-1967, is dressed in holiday decor for walking tours, and costumed docents are on hand with historical tidbits. Local choirs perform, Santa visits with kids and baked goodies are served. $3, general; $2, children 6-12; free for children under 6. Interstate 5 north to J Street exit, turn right to 16th Street, then left on 16th to H Street. Mansion is on the corner. (916) 323-3047.

VENTURA--It’s huge, it’s fun and it’s not too far. Ventura’s 16th annual Holiday Street Festival, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. next Sunday, features more than 600 artisans, live entertainment and kids’ activities over eight downtown blocks on Main Street. Santa is there, too. Free. Take U.S. 101 north to the California Street exit. (805) 654-7830.


CALEXICO--Traditions from both sides of the border are showcased in the annual Calexico Christmas Parade, 10 a.m. Dec. 12. Among the highlights are drum and bugle corps from Mexican schools, folkloric dancers, colorful floats, mariachi ensembles and the official state band of Baja California. The parade begins at Second and Mary streets, travels west on Second, north on Paulin Avenue, then east on 4th Street. Take Interstate 10 east to Indio, California 86 south to El Centro, then Interstate 8 east to California 111 south to Calexico. (619) 357-1166.

PETALUMA--Christmas is celebrated early-California style at the Adobe Luminaria Fiesta, 2-5 p.m. Dec. 12. Carolers, folkloric dancers and traditional California foods are featured at the Petaluma Adobe State Historic Park at Casa Grande and Adobe roads. Las Posadas, a re-creation of the Nativity, is staged and visitors can take self-guided tours through the park. At dusk, more than 800 luminaria (sand-bag candles) are lit. Evening events in Petaluma include a flotilla of around 30 decorated boats in the Petaluma River Turning Basin at 6:30 p.m., and the City of Lights Driving Tour through town. (Tour maps available at adobe.) U.S. 101 north to the East Washington Street exit, turn right at bottom of the off-ramp on East Washington, then right on Adobe Road. (707) 762-2785.
