
Reagan Years

Benjamin Zycher’s article (“Even the Poor Profited in the Reagan Years,” Column Right, Dec. 15) belongs in a fairy-tale book. His calculations on a supposed increase in family income for the poor belie the fact that more and more poor families need wages from three or even four jobs to get by today.

Moreover, he calculates a growth rate starting from 1982, after the Reagan recession brought family incomes down. Any fourth-grade math student can show an increase if you add from your debt! Hence, one of Bill Clinton’s campaign arguments: More and more poor families are working more hours for less pay than they did when Ronald Reagan took office.

If California could collect the water from all the tears shed over the November election results from people like Benjamin Zycher, Rep. Bob Dornan and other whining Republicans, we wouldn’t have a drought anymore. We would have a flood!



Los Angeles
