
Critique of Bolsa Chica Wetlands Stand by Surfers Sparks Return Fire

The negative letters criticizing the Surfrider Foundation and surfers (“Surfers’ Stand on Restoration Plan Criticized,” Dec. 20) for protesting the building of a monstrous rock jetty and channel to help flush and provide tidal exchange for the Bolsa Chica Wetlands are quite misinformed.

Surfrider is not against restoring the wetlands. As surfers, we are blessed to have this unique and fragile ecosystem off our coast.

We do not want to see it destroyed and would welcome legitimate alternatives to see Bolsa Chica restored. But a huge rock jetty, which would have severe negative effects on our beaches and coast, is not the answer.


A connecting channel from the ocean, correctly excavated, would be a better alternative.

The outlet at the Santa Ana River Jetty provides tidal flushing and allows for natural sand flow.

A scaled-down outlet would probably improve the surf at Bolsa Chica, as there used to be a warm-water drainage pipe between Bolsa Chica and the cliffs anyway.

Restoring the wetlands should not have to be compromised so the Koll Co. can develop and destroy the land for monetary profit.


Save the waves, save Bolsa Chica and preserve our coast.


