
Census Count

I was astonished by the Jan. 1 editorial, “Counting People Out,” complaining about the number of people who were not counted in the last census and what that has cost us.

Sure, a lot of people were left out or miscounted. Sure, the results were unfair to a lot of people.

But doesn’t The Times remember the primary cause? Many people refused to cooperate with the census. “Government snooping” they called it and refused to send in their reports or deliberately filed misleading ones.


So, as always happens, our chickens came home to roost. As Robert Louis Stevenson put it, “Soon or late, we all sit down to a table of consequences.”

I see no good reason for the government to redo the expensive census or make guesswork adjustments so that more people can dip deeper into our tax dollars--dollars we have already run out of.

A little honesty and sense of fair play are long overdue.


San Juan Capistrano
