
Whittier : $19,400 Sign to Promote Historic Uptown District

The city Redevelopment Agency has approved spending $19,400 to install a sign to direct shoppers into the central business district.

The City Council, acting as the agency, recently voted to install a sign six feet high and 12 feet wide at the southeast corner of Whittier Boulevard and Philadelphia Street.

The sign will read “Historic Uptown Whittier, Established in 1887” and point toward the shopping area. A sign removed last year referred to the district as “The Village.”


The Whittier Uptown Assn. decided in January to call the area “Uptown” and plans to spend up to $20,000 in the next three years replacing 40 to 45 other signs bearing the old logo.

“We wanted to change our marketing focus to calling us Uptown, which most people in Whittier know us as anyway,” said Lane Langford, president of the business association.

The name has been commonly used since the city was founded in 1887, he said.

Officials said the new sign will be installed by February.
