
Parking Tickets in Alamitos Beach on Christmas Eve

I was taught never to assume; that is why my husband checked on the holiday street sweeping schedule as we were leaving for the weekend after I got home from work on Christmas Eve (some of us are not as fortunate to have the day off).

If Mr. Fox (Robert E. Fox, president of the Alamitos Beach Neighborhood Assn.), his friends and neighbors can’t find a spot to park while the sweepers are cleaning, all they have to do is drive slowly around the block or up their alley and park after the parking enforcers have left. I see this happening all the time in our parking impacted Eastside neighborhood in the Wilson High School area. By the way, what was he doing with his house full of guests while he was making like the Christmas elf and removing the parking tickets (from cars in the area)?

Christmas Eve is not a holiday, and until it is exempted from street sweeping I feel the tickets should be honored and paid by the “abused citizens” in the Alamitos Beach Neighborhood.



Long Beach
