
Cancer Test: What’s Wrong With That?

I found the one-sided nature of some of your reporting so egregious that I had to voice my objections. I am referring to your article “Insurer Uses Unproven Cancer Test” (Jan. 14) on Transamerica Occidental Life Insurance Co.’s experiments with a tumor-marking test.

After my daughter was born last August, I decided to get an additional large amount of life insurance. My agent recommended Transamerica Occidental and pointed out that they were trying out a new early warning test for cancer. I was glad to hear it and eager to get the results.

Yes, they did it for profit; so what’s wrong with that? Yes, some agents may not be as meticulous as mine in explaining things. Who cares? Regardless of why they do it, with all the people I know who have cancer, anybody who gives me even a chance at an early warning has my gratitude and my business.



Beverly Hills
