
At Least Super Bowl Didn’t Fail to Live Up to His Expectations

I see Professor Bob Oates is at it again with his fall football lecture series.

I save all his material, so I know that before last year’s Super Bowl he delivered such profundities as: “The goal of the Bills is to avenge last year’s loss; they should be more highly motivated than the Redskins, whose goal is simply to win.”

Always a great connoisseur of quarterbacks, forever measuring the arcs and trajectories of their passes, he declares that Troy Aikman normally never throws deep unless his receiver is “five yards open.” Never a great fan of Aikman’s until this year, the professor suddenly endows Troy with qualities his mother would blush at. He tells us that Aikman “is the NFL’s first, quick, big quarterback . . . he is as quick as most good quarterbacks who are 20 to 25 pounds lighter and three to four inches shorter.” Before the guy finally got some pass protection, and before he matured as an NFL passer, he was a statue, dead meat in the pocket. Now he’s quicker than Randall Cunningham.


