
Put Bite Into KCBS News

Howard Rosenberg’s column on the start of sweeps month among the local news shows (“When TV Looks for News in the Mirror,” Feb. 5) along with the “tussle” between Michael Tuck and John Lippman in the Channel 2 newsroom (“Real Action News: Michael Tuck vs. Boss,” Jan. 29) sparks this idea for a new KCBS show:

First, “Geraldo” is dropped from the 4 p.m. slot. In its place would be a new show called “Newsbite!” The idea is to take cameras into the Channel 2 newsroom during the final hour before the first newscast at 5 p.m. The show would then lead into the actual newscast of the stories developed during the hour. The star of the show, of course, would be Lippman, and it would be entirely from his viewpoint. The show has great TV possibilities both from a reality and an entertainment standpoint. (The sight of Lippman following Tuck around shouting “Go! Go!” is great television!)

Down the line, the newscast would be dropped as superfluous in favor of an expanded “Newsbite!” Research would have found that gathering the news received a higher rating than the news itself.



San Marino
