
Library Branch in Little Tokyo

We are disappointed that officers or board members of the Friends of Little Tokyo Branch Library were not interviewed for the story about the Little Tokyo Service Center/Union Church project and the future location of the Little Tokyo Branch Library (City Times, Jan. 10).

The Friends has been the principal fund-raising group for the Little Tokyo Branch Library and was instrumental in getting city approval and obtaining rent-free space (at) the Centenary United Methodist Church.

We organized a building committee which has worked diligently to look for a suitable location in Little Tokyo. At the same time, the Friends have sponsored book fairs, auction-luncheons and author-recognition events to raise funds. The initial financial commitment of the Friends involved raising approximately $40,000.


We hope City Times will give credit to the Friends of the Little Tokyo Branch Library as the primary support organization which has worked for more than a decade with little publicity or recognition.


