Condemning Gays Is Not Christian
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I take it Mark Wiley (“A Biblical Defense,” O.C. Platform, Feb. 16) would prefer to see his anti-homosexual view as coming from his love of God than from “narrow-mindedness.”
I’m glad to credit intellectual integrity to anyone who believes the Bible to be the inerrant word of God and therefore condemns homosexual behavior, but where are the other condemnations? There are other classes of people that the Bible teaches are not going to inherit the Kingdom of God. Where is the outcry against them?
Did I miss the letters demanding that drunks be excluded from the military? Is there a conservative Christian task force forcing the elimination of the greedy from business? Have adulterers, including anyone who has contemplated adultery, been excluded from public service? Are these punishments the way Christ deals with sin?
Why attack homosexuals? Despite their power in some communities, they are still an easy target. They include an outlandish minority. Attacking them does not challenge congregations to look at their own sin the way attacking greed would. Part of the attacks on homosexuals are people essentially saying “Their sins are worse than ours.” This is pride. This is bigotry. It is also unbiblical.
There is much more in the Bible about humility and love than there is about sexual immorality of all kinds. It distresses me how little of that I see reflected sometimes in statements of people who claim to be my siblings in Christ.
Mark Wiley, I may be wrong, but your words look narrow-minded to me. I hope you know the conflict you need to pay attention to is not the one with unbelievers, but the one between you and God.
Mission Viejo