
Different Views of Molestation Allegations

I was pleased and heartened to read the Feb. 12 editorial, “Putting the Children First,” regarding the suspension of Father Coughlin by the Diocese of Orange.

Yes, it does appear that in suspending Father Coughlin, the Catholic Church is now “‘putting the children first.” Until the 1992 policy changes, the Catholic Church minimized and denied the initial and long-term effects of childhood sexual abuse by clergy.

As a psychologist treating sexual abuse survivors, including survivors of clergy abuse, I see the personal devastation and loss of religious beliefs caused by sexual abuse.


When a child is sexually abused by an adult in authority, such as a priest, he/she has his/her innocence, trust, and faith forever shaken.

It makes all of us uncomfortable to accept that the very people we have trusted to teach our children religious beliefs could betray our trust and abuse our children.

But if we are indeed to “put the children first,” as responsible adults we must confront all abuse allegations when there is a “reasonable belief” that the allegations may be true.



