
Crimes Reported to the LAPD

The number of reported crimes by precinct from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31.

Bold numbers = 1992*

Plain numbers = 1991

Burglary Theft from auto from auto (forced (vehicle Burglary entry) open) CENTRAL BUREAU Central 2522* 2461 4387* 5961 518* 541 Hollenbeck 1896* 2203 1664* 1655 655* 661 Newton 3312* 3045 2007* 2081 1009* 923 Northeast 3157* 3968 2403* 3088 869* 930 Rampart 4087* 3540 3633* 4145 1141* 1108 SOUTH BUREAU Harbor 2477* 2267 1953* 1983 716* 596 Southwest 3068* 2484 2651* 2629 1063* 1094 77th 3291* 3469 1312* 1465 901* 1029 Southeast 2736* 2627 1074* 1114 903* 713 WEST BUREAU Hollywood 3665* 3381 5530* 5224 943* 1006 Pacific 3027* 3473 5191* 4700 949* 988 West L.A. 2528* 2814 3525* 3544 808* 811 Wilshire 4067* 3931 3154* 3578 961* 953 VALLEY BUREAU Devonshire 3488* 3518 2732* 2988 1022* 878 Foothill 2866* 3210 1355* 1660 722* 678 North 3169* 3045 3227* 3389 1000* 814 Hollywood Van Nuys 4061* 3682 3667* 3787 976* 978 West 4345* 4346 3782* 4084 1158* 1103 Valley Total 57,762* 57,459 53,247* 57,075 16,314* 15,804

Auto theft CENTRAL BUREAU Central 1526* 1650 Hollenbeck 3303* 3460 Newton 3913* 3733 Northeast 4582* 4804 Rampart 5265* 6419 SOUTH BUREAU Harbor 3025* 2814 Southwest 4485* 4033 77th 3856* 3448 Southeast 2504* 2153 WEST BUREAU Hollywood 5020* 5415 Pacific 4984* 4818 West L.A. 3752* 3819 Wilshire 6238* 6098 VALLEY BUREAU Devonshire 4241* 3914 Foothill 3282* 3476 North 4684* 4789 Hollywood Van Nuys 5707* 5894 West 4462* 4399 Valley Total 74,829* 75,136
