
Mental ‘Olympics’ Applicants Sought

The Beverly Hills/Hollywood NAACP is accepting applications from high school students to compete in the 1993 “Olympics of the Mind.”

The event provides an opportunity for African-American youths to compete nationally for honors in 24 academic and cultural categories, including science, architecture, oratory, dance, theater, music and filmmaking, volunteer chairman James Jones said.

A qualifying competition is scheduled for April 24 to select contestants for the Academic Cultural Technological Scientific Olympics, he said. High school students from public, private and church schools throughout Los Angeles County are eligible.


Winners will receive an expenses-paid trip to the competition, which will take place July 9-12 at the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People’s 84th Annual National Convention in Indianapolis. Students will compete for gold, silver and bronze medals, scholarships, monetary awards and computer systems.

The Beverly Hills/Hollywood chapter sent 21 contestants last year and came home with gold medals in filmmaking and dramatic performance, and a bronze in playwriting, Jones said.

The deadline for applications, which are available at most high schools, is April 16. Information: (213) 464-7616.
