
Feldsteins on Clinton Plan

Shakespeare said it, “Oh! It offends me to the very soul . . . “ to read articles like the Feldsteins’.

Don’t the writers understand that we are all part of a country that has some responsibility for everyone’s well-being. Have they even read the Preamble to the Constitution that says: “Promote the general welfare . . . “? The “general welfare” being the good fortune, health, happiness, and prosperity of every citizen.

I believe the Feldsteins are insulting their rich brethren. I believe that most upper-income and wealthy families will complain about Clinton’s plan, but will not work less, will not transfer a majority of dollars to non-taxable bonds, will not follow a finagling plan such as the Feldsteins suggest, will not bite the hand that has set the table for them for over 200 years, and now needs everyone’s help.



