
Publishers, By WENDY COPE

Five happy publishers,

Going through a door.

One met an author

And then there were four.

Four happy publishers,

Out on a spree.

Someone had to pay the bill

And then there were three.

Three happy publishers,

Nothing much to do.

A bit fat manuscript arrived

And then there were two.

Two happy publishers,

Having lots of fun.

An author won a major prize

And then there was one.

One happy publisher,

Radiant as the sun.

The winner found an agent

And then there were none.

From “Serious Concerns” (Faber & Faber: $8.95; 96 pp.). Wendy Cope was born in Erith, Kent. Her first collection of poems, “Making Cocoa for Kingsley Amis,” was published in 1986.

1992 by Wendy Cope. Reprinted by permission.
