
Pottery Show to Be Held in Buena Park

Park Place Antiques in Fullerton is sponsoring the Orange County Pottery Show today from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Retail Clerks Union Auditorium, 8530 Stanton Ave., Buena Park.

Featured pottery will include Fulper, Rookwood, Hampshire, Roseville, Weller and Southern California pottery, Catalina Island, Bauer and Siesta.

The show will also feature three leading authors in the field of pottery. Jack Chipman (“The Complete Collectors Guide to Bauer”), Steven Hoefs (“Catalina Island Pottery Collectors Guide”) and Franciscan writer Delleen Enge. $4.50. For information, call (714) 447-1050 or (714) 447-1711.
