
Regulating Immigration

Your May 3 article presented our organization, the American Immigration Control Foundation (AICF), in a negative light.

It said that AICF and other groups were “finding new riches by tapping anti-immigration sentiments.” If riches where truly our aim, let me assure you that we would switch to the pro-immigration side. That’s where to tap if you want money. Our budget is a drop in the bucket compared with the flood of cash flowing into the bank accounts of well-heeled immigration lobbies.

Another questionable comment in your article is that our statements about illegal immigration are “histrionics,” i.e., exaggerated and overly emotional. All we ask is that the law of the land on immigration be enforced and that illegal aliens not enjoy benefits which properly belong to American citizens. What’s out of line about that?


JOHN VINSON, President, AICF, Monterey, Va.
