
Fashion Chic

The Movie: “Sliver”


The Setup: Carly Norris (Sharon Stone, pictured) rents an apartment in a New York building with a weird history and a population of enigmatic types, including wealthy Zeke Hawkins (William Baldwin) and author Jack Landsford (Tom Berenger).


The Costume Designer: Deborah L. Scott, whose previous work includes “Hoffa,” “Back to the Future” and “E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial.”


The Look: Stone’s Norris is a winning fashion throwback in a Lauren Bacall sort of way. With her wardrobe of impeccably chic suits (both above-the-knee slim skirts and trousers), roomy overcoats, flat loafers, a few glam pieces of jewelry and even a beret, only the smoke is missing. Yet at the same time, she’s thoroughly contemporary looking.


Baldwin looks appropriately rich in Brooks Brothers white shirts, Levi’s and well-tailored suits, while Berenger, a writer, looks suitably rumpled.


Quoted: “To look sexy, you don’t have to reveal anything. Even in the love-making scenes, most of the time (Stone) has a brassiere or some clothes on,” Scott says.


Sex Appeal: The point here is that sex queens can do their job without showing skin. Nothing is either tight or short. Even what could be considered Stone’s sexiest dress, a blue velvet ankle grazer worn on a date with Baldwin, exposes a mere hint of cleavage between buttons. Suit jackets button up to the neck, as do all her shirts. The one blouse that is provocatively see-through she exposes only in the privacy of her apartment.


On a trip to the gym, Stone passes on a cheesecake opportunity to don something skimpy (say, thong and bra top) in favor of a baggy sweat shirt and dark leggings. It’s Baldwin who shows off more in his muscle shirt and bicycle shorts.


Good Hair Day: Stone’s parted-down-the-middle bob goes with her new dark red lips.


Sources: Most of Stone’s suits are by Nino Cerruti. Scott designed her blue velvet dress; the transparent blouse is vintage. Baldwin and Berenger wear jackets and suits from Calvin Klein, Polo and Armani.
