
PACOIMA : County Raises Rent for Airport Hangars

Hangar rentals at Los Angeles County airports--including Fox Airfield in the Antelope Valley and Whiteman Airport in Pacoima--will increase slightly July 1 under new rates approved Tuesday by the Board of Supervisors.

The hike will be the first since 1990 and raise average rents at the two airports by $11 per month. Rent for a hangar at Fox will increase from $214 to $225 and from $212 to $223 at Whiteman.

“It’s going to be minuscule,” Whiteman Manager Eugene McPherson said.

The county owns five airports, but all are managed by a private company, Alhambra-based Comarco, which took over operation in 1991. County officials said Comarco’s costs have increased in the past two years and the $144,000 raised each year by the rent hikes will help offset those expenses.
