
LOS ANGELES : Community Colleges Get $2 Million for Job Training

The Los Angeles Community College District has received a $2-million grant to provide job training and placement over a two-year period to 1,000 disadvantaged teen-agers and adults.

The grant from the Los Angeles County Private Industry Council is earmarked for county residents who are physically disabled, pregnant teen-agers, teen-age parents, high school dropouts, criminal offenders and welfare recipients, said Donald G. Phelps, chancellor of the district.

The grant money will be used to train participants and their family members for jobs that are expected to pay about $7 an hour, said Irving Weinstein, the district’s vice chancellor for education services. “There is tremendous value in training family units,” he said. “Studies have shown that family members who help one another are more successful than others who have not received the same level of support.”


Participants will be placed in jobs in health care, construction and maintenance, financial services, retailing, distribution, manufacturing, food services, and equipment repair and maintenance.
