
Noise Ordinance Is Not Supported

* As president of the Van Nuys Airport Assn., representing aviation and fixed-based tenants at the Van Nuys Airport, I am appalled at Gerald Silver’s article “Putting the Lid on Airport Noise” (Valley Commentary, July 11).

It ignores the salient points about the airport’s contributions to the city of Los Angeles and minimizes the proposed noise control ordinance’s shortcomings.

Mr. Silver’s claim that most homeowner associations and thousands of Valley residents favor the noise regulations is absurd. In fact, many of the Valley’s homeowner associations oppose the noise ordinance and support the Part 150 Noise Control Program, a study completed in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration regulations.


At its October, 1992, meeting, the Board of Airport Commissioners adopted both the Part 150 Study and the noise ordinance mentioned by Mr. Silver. Since this meeting, ongoing debate and discussion has occurred over the compatibility of the Part 150 Study and the proposed noise ordinance.

The Part 150 Study’s recommended Noise Control Program should be implemented and tested prior to the imposition of any noise control ordinance. The Part 150 Noise Control Program reflects the thoughts of the Valley community, as evidenced by the residents’ active participation in its development.

Equally important, the FAA does not support the proposed noise control ordinance. Passage of it would halt any chance of federal grants that would help to mitigate noise on non-airport property. Losing federal grants would hurt the airport’s surrounding neighborhoods, not help them as Mr. Silver suggests.


Additionally, adoption of the noise ordinance would be premature and not in the city’s best interests. If the noise ordinance is approved, it will not “put a lid” on Van Nuys Airport noise as Mr. Silver suggests. It would expand the debate unnecessarily to the courts and could expose the City of Los Angeles to litigation cost and actual damage if the proposed noise regulation were adopted.

There has been no comprehensive study of the cost impacts of the noise control ordinance or an evaluation of its effects upon commerce, the community, or the businesses operating at the airport. To implement any noise control ordinance without conducting such a study could result in permanent damage to the airport and its surrounding communities.

Van Nuys Airport generates $1 billion in economic activity. Its tenants pay the City of Los Angeles significant rental fees and tremendous amounts of tax revenue. The airport continues to be a significant revenue producer and employer to the San Fernando Valley communities.


Should the proposed noise regulation be imposed, many businesses would close. This would drastically reduce the Van Nuys Airport’s economic contribution to the City of Los Angeles and negatively impact the community.

It is unfortunate that zealots like Mr. Silver claim to speak on behalf of the community, when in reality their actions would produce nothing but harm and economic misery to an already struggling Valley community.

The only prudent course of action would be for Mayor Riordan to return the proposed ordinance back to the Board of Airport Commissioners and urge the Airport Commission to direct staff to complete and present a comprehensive study of the potential economic effects and the noise regulation and assess the success or failure of the Part 150 Noise Control Program.


Van Nuys
