
Finding Those Warranties

Ask your real estate agent to help you find a home warranty that meets your needs. Agents can contact the National Home Warranty Assn., c/o Homeowners Marketing Services Inc., P.O. Box 9200, Hollywood, Fla., 33084, for information on buying a policy. For-sale-by-owner sellers can send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the National Home Warranty Assn., P.O. Box 12038, Marina del Rey, CA 90295. Ask for a list of companies that are members of the association and the association’s brochure, “A Guide to Home Warranties for Consumers and Real Estate Professionals.” The NHWA follows a professional code of ethics and upholds established standards of practice for the home warranty industry.

Make sure the company you select has a toll-free number and 24-hour service in case of an emergency. Check which appliances and systems are covered and whether there are dollar limits on payments per appliance or system.

If you decide to offer buyers a warranty, advertise “home warranty” or “home warranty protection” on your yard sign and in your flier and advertising.
