
More Thoughts on El Toro’s Future

* It is obvious that there is now an intensification of the controversy over the reuse of the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station. This is highlighted by the detailed Commentary of Mark P. Petracca; the letters from individuals in Huntington Beach, Brea, Laguna Niguel, Corona del Mar, and Laguna Hills; and in a lead article headlined as “North Calls for Truce, Urges Regional Airport Authority”; all in The Times last Sunday (Aug. 29).

One major factor neglected by all of the above, that has not been fully discussed as yet is about contamination on the ground and in the air.

Recently El Toro was fined $80,000 by the federal Environmental Protection Agency for ignoring such effects.


In addition, my own testimony at the base during an informational session by the top brass (with Supervisor Thomas Riley in attendance), presented what I believe to be the necessity for no reuse of the base until the ground and air contamination is cleaned up. Studies to date indicate that this can not be done until the year 2010! Draw your own conclusions.


Laguna Hills

* When considering the cost of building a new facility at El Toro, the impending lawsuits over the decision, and the safety issues of having two adjacent airports, it would be more expedient to go the route of Los Angeles International Airport: Expand John Wayne Airport and buy out the residents under the flight path in Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. Then there would be fewer back yards in which to locate this NIMBY (not in my back yard) approach.


Mission Viejo
