
Perot on NAFTA

* Concerning Ross Perot’s negative opinion of NAFTA (“Can Workers Kill NAFTA? You Bet!” Commentary, Aug. 26):

American companies have been going to other countries for many years, wherever they can find workers willing to work for less pay. They did not need the North American Free Trade Agreement to go to other countries. Ross Perot knows that, and he knows they will continue to leave if NAFTA is not passed.

A report I remember from about a year ago is that the Japanese do not like NAFTA. The Japanese know world trade extremely well. They sell billions in product to the United States, and buy very little in return. Mexico is just the opposite; it buys a lot of U.S. products. Ross Perot mentions 1 million 18-year-olds entering the work force of Mexico each year. Well, these young adults will be buying more and more U.S. products if NAFTA goes through. We have already lost many jobs, why now lose many consumers?



La Puente

* Ross Perot said in the ’92 presidential debates that if NAFTA passes, there will be a “giant sucking sound” as U.S. jobs escape to Mexico. Another loud noise you’ll hear will be pro-NAFTA congressmen being sucked into unemployment offices after the ’94 elections.



* Waltzing to Wall Street’s time gives working wonks blisters, fallen arches, bunions and worn-out shoes.

The “global economy,” always presented as caviar, is “globaloney” no matter how you slice it, hack it, sell it or spell it. Thank you, Ross. And thank you, L.A. Times, for listening at last.



Garden Grove

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