

A selection of game-show lingo:

Bambi: n . a contestant who freezes on camera like a deer caught in headlights. “She was great backstage, but during the show she pulled a Bambi.

Barney Fife: n . a contestant with a nervous “trigger finger” who rings in before knowing the answer.

cue the Kleenex: an expression used in anticipation of a big win by a contestant who has proved to be overly emotional. “Cue the Kleenex, I think we’re gonna get waterworks!”

god: n . the person who decides when a contestant’s answer is called into question. “We’re not sure your answer is acceptable, so we’re checking with god .”

Judas: n . an audience member who yells out an answer. “Thanks to Judas there, we’ll have to throw that question out and give you a new one.”

Poindexter: n . a super-bright contestant. From the genius kid in “Felix the Cat.”

reading your rights: v . the recitation of the rules of the game delivered to the contestants backstage prior to taping.

star wrangler: n . a person who books celebrity players. “We need a star wrangler with home phone numbers for Betty White and Jamie Farr.”

tornado: n . someone who wins everything not nailed down. “I’ve seen some good players, but this guy’s a tornado.
