
Executive Travel : Runzheimer Business Travel Price Index

Los Angeles Times

The set of indexes measures changes in the cost of business travel--air fares, meals, lodging and car rental--on a quarterly basis. The index equaled 100 in 1988. The overall price index fell 8.1% during the second quarter, primarily as a result of a nearly 20% drop in business discount fares. Meals and lodging costs were relatively flat, while auto rental rates rose about 2%.

Overall Domestic Business Travel Prices

2nd Quarter 1992: 140 3rd Quarter 1992: 149 4th Quarter 1992: 151 1st Quarter 1993: 160 2nd Quarter 1993: 147

Business Discount Airfares

2nd Quarter 1992: 145 3rd Quarter 1992: 173 4th Quarter 1992: 179 1st Quarter 1993: 198 2nd Quarter 1993: 161


Unrestricted Coach Airfares

2nd Quarter 1992: 171 3rd Quarter 1992: 184 4th Quarter 1992: 199 1st Quarter 1993: 228 2nd Quarter 1993: 225

Meal Prices

2nd Quarter 1992: 117 3rd Quarter 1992: 118 4th Quarter 1992: 118 1st Quarter 1993: 119 2nd Quarter 1993: 120

Lodging Prices

2nd Quarter 1992: 129 3rd Quarter 1992: 129 4th Quarter 1992: 130 1st Quarter 1993: 132 2nd Quarter 1993: 133


Car Rental Prices

2nd Quarter 1992: 107 3rd Quarter 1992: 98 4th Quarter 1992: 98 1st Quarter 1993: 99 2nd Quarter 1993: 101

Source: Runzheimer International
