
Welch Leaves Options Open, Denies He Won’t File Charges


Canyon High football Coach Harry Welch Thursday denied a report that said he would not file charges against a man who he claims assaulted him last week.

“I never said that I’m not going to file charges,” Welch said. “But I’m not commenting any further on that.”

Welch, 48, said he is not ready to dismiss a postgame confrontation with Tim McKeon, a Canyon booster and father of Cowboy defensive back Jared McKeon. He just wants to pursue the matter privately.


Welch said so in a faxed statement which, in part, read: “Just as my respect for an old friend (McKeon) prevented me from defending myself when I was attacked on Friday night, I will not now use the press to embarrass that friend for his actions in anger.

“The fact that he and others continue to attack me does not make it right, nor does it change the truth of what happened.”

Welch on Monday filed a report with the L.A. County Sheriff’s Dept., accusing McKeon of assaulting him after Canyon’s 25-14 loss to Quartz Hill.


Welch withheld charges but claimed McKeon choked him and hit him several times in a dispute about the postgame treatment of Jared. In a telephone conversation Tuesday, McKeon said he did not strike Welch. He said Welch blamed his son for the loss and “unloaded his wrath on Jared” in front of the team.

“No, that’s not true,” Welch said Thursday, when asked if he singled out McKeon’s son.

Welch would not reveal details of a doctor’s examination Thursday. He was also asked if he has considered resigning as Canyon coach.

“I wouldn’t make that decision at this time,” replied Welch, who said he would consider that option after this season.


“But it has been a turbulent three years,” added the Cowboy coach, alluding to an ongoing suit against the CIF which was recently settled in his favor.
