
T-Ring Ties Up Loose Ends to Give the Knotted Top a Finished Look


The knotted T-shirt look came about a decade ago with the workout-wear revolution created by the film “Flashdance.” It’s a sensual, risque look, not always worn in the best taste.

Many women are knotting their shirts by tying them and setting them too high, well above the navel.

“You should use a T-ring, which creates a more finished look,” says Lisa Burke of Burkewear in Orange. “This keeps the shirt in place and doesn’t look like you just threw an outfit together.”


Keep the ring just below belt level and don’t just knot a shirt. Knotting stretches and misshapes the bottom, which is why the only shirts to knot are ones you actually exercise in.


Cheap shot: You thought you were getting the buy of the lifetime, and now, when you put it on in the privacy of your closet mirror, you see that it’s just the typical cheap blue suit.

The old cheap suit has that telltale thin fabric, uneven weave and lines that don’t fall just quite right. But not only do lots of guys wear cheap suits, they also advertise them. They’ll have an ugly, polyester rep tie combined with a painfully tight-collared white shirt. Little do they know that a few touches can make a cheap suit look decent.


“Try getting a stylish dress shirt, one that has bold stripes,” says Bill Snyder of Posh Gentleman’s Clothing in Newport Beach. “The new woven-pattern ties can also divert attention away from your suit.”

If that’s not enough, get some braces and a coordinating pocket square. And when appropriate, take your jacket off and discreetly put it away.


Vested interest: Just a few seasons ago, lavish, tapestry-like vests became a hot must-have in many women’s closets. They dressed up a plain blouse and jeans and also worked with T-shirts and blazers to bring color to an otherwise drab look.


But like most pieces of clothing, they don’t go with everything, no matter what the salesperson says. At some of the local country-Western clubs, women have been spotted wearing their tapestry vests with their cowgirl outfits.

“Vests with an elaborate pattern don’t go well with that Western look,” says clothing designer Carol Steele of Newport Beach. “You’ll look like you just got off work and stuck a cowboy hat on to hear country music.”

Vests that have Southwestern designs or colors such as rust or turquoise are fine, but the vest of choice for cowgirls is brown suede or cowhide. Add a little fringe for fun.
