
DANA POINT : Institute Offering Tide-Pool Tours

Taking advantage of seasonal low tides, the Orange County Marine Institute is offering a series of two-hour tours of coastal tide pools.

The tours, to be held through March, will inspect the intricate tide-pool communities off the shores of Dana Point.

Tide pools are visited by more people during the winter when tides expose larger stretches of beach. Institute officials hope to help preserve tide pools by educating the public.


During the tours, beach-goers will be taught tide-pool etiquette--how to handle sea life safely and which species can be harmed by human touch.

The Sunday programs will cost $3 for adults and $2 for children. Advance registration is required.

The next tide-pool tour will be Jan. 9 from 1 to 3 p.m. Other tours are scheduled on Jan. 23, Feb. 6 and March 6.


Materials to help children conduct self-guided tide-pool tours are also available at the institute, 24200 Dana Point Harbor Drive.

Aimed at children ages 4 to 12, the institute’s “Good Tidepooler” brochure outlines seven conservation-oriented activities.

Included is a visit to the institute’s sea life touch tank, where youngsters can feel the suction of a starfish and handle other tide-pool creatures. Children watch tide-pool species interact with each other and adapt to their environment.


After completing the program, children receive a free “Good Tidepooler” card and grab bag. For information about the tide-pool tours or child education program, call the institute at (714) 496-2274.
