
New GM at Pacifica

Compiled by Greg Johnson, Times staff writer

Don Reis has been appointed general manager of Pacifica Publishing, the Miller Freeman Inc. division in Laguna Beach that publishes Action Sports Retailer and Outdoor Retailer. Reis, who has worked for Road and Track, Field and Stream and Sunset magazines, will also direct the Action Sports and Outdoor Retailer trade shows.

Action Sports Retailer had been published as a glossy, four-color magazine that came out nine times each year. Now it is switching to a combination of eight editorial-only tabloid issues and four “resource” buying guide issues that correspond to the trade show and different retail selling seasons. Advertising will be accepted only in the four buying-guide issues.

Action Sports Retailer will focus on trends and new products that are of interest to store owners and operators. Circulation is being increased to 23,000 from 15,000.
