
Special Counsel on Whitewater Setting Up Shop in Little Rock

<i> Associated Press</i>

Special counsel Robert B. Fiske Jr. made a low-key start Monday on a job that will include interrogating President and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton under oath on their business dealings in Arkansas.

Among other things, he found out how to rent an office in Little Rock, Ark., while getting the government to pay for it. He also received a formal job application.

Fiske will travel to Little Rock today and be shown some possible offices by a local General Services Administration official.


The GSA will handle such details as negotiating the lease and paying it, just as it does for most federal work spaces.

It was not clear how much room Fiske will need, how many lawyers he’ll hire or how many office workers will be required. The GSA will get that information but not the Justice Department, which will pay for it. Atty. Gen. Janet Reno has said no limits were placed on personnel or cost.

Fiske will be paid at an annual rate of $107,000. The lawyers he hires might get more, up to a limit of $115,700.
