
Donations Sought in Quake Relief Effort

Operation USA, a Los Angeles-based international relief development agency, is asking for donations ranging from Tylenol to tractor-trailers full of blankets in an earthquake relief effort spreading throughout the damaged area, including the heavy-hit San Fernando Valley.

The organization works with community-based medical clinics, free clinics and groups such as Proyecto del Barrio, a Pacoima agency whose building was severely damaged in last month’s earthquake.

Operation USA is asking for donations of diapers, baby food, infant formula, sunscreen, plastic sheeting, blankets and medical supplies.


“I just got off the phone with one of the clinics we’re working with. We need Tylenol, Liquid Tylenol, insulin syringes, bandages,” said Kim Zamarin, Operation USA administrator. “There’s an ongoing need for blankets,” she added. “We’ve gotten out over 3,000, and 1,200 are going out in the next two days, but we need more.”

The organization hopes that manufacturers or distributors will donate supplies in bulk, but any donation will be accepted.

“They can send 50 cents if that’s what they have to help. It all comes together and we turn it around.”


Operation USA isn’t looking for volunteer help yet, Zamarin said, unless the volunteer comes with a tractor-trailer.

“If they are volunteers who have big trucks and can donate time--time and big trucks--that would be excellent,” she said.

For more information, call 1-800-678-7255 or send donations to Operation USA, L.A. Quake, 8320 Melrose Ave., No. 200, Los Angeles 90069.
