
THE EARTHQUAKE : Aid to Illegal Immigrants Spurs Call for Ross Perot

* I read with shock in the paper (“FEMA Makes Its Point in Spanish,” Jan. 28) that the government is giving aid to illegal immigrants left homeless by the quakes.

This is so outrageous I refuse to believe it’s true. Not only do illegal immigrants clog our courts, our hospitals and our schools, they can now get a check for a place to live that also originated from our tax dollar.

The federal government financed and developed the welfare system in America, and now, in most parts of the country instead of looking for a job, they are looking for a federal handout. Why work when the benefits to stay unemployed exceed the benefits to work?


In France it took Charles DeGaulle to make the country fiscally responsible. In Great Britain, it took Maggie Thatcher. In the United States I’m afraid it’s going to take Ross Perot. When are we going to force the federal government to become fiscally responsible?


