
Gov. Pete Wilson

The idea that the building of 20 new prisons can be equated by Gov. Pete Wilson with the founding of the University of California takes us to new heights of police-state doublespeak. The creation of a permanent prison population larger than many incorporated cities in California is described blithely by Wilson as a “capital improvement.” No money for elementary schools, high schools, community colleges, universities; but billions for a prison society. No longer will any pretense be made of rehabilitation; inmates will do their time. In good old-fashioned Soviet style we will build a gulag full of slaves of the state.


Los Angeles

I slept in this morning. It must have been because I felt so much safer knowing the “three strikes and you’re out” law is now on the books and all the criminals will be leaving the state. Last time I felt this good was when they told us that voting out Rose Bird and the other liberal judges would end crime in California.


Seal Beach
